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Generally, most of the functionalities are using chat commands. Simply type the commands in the chat box (like how you would normally chat with teammates).

Note: Remember to either use allies or all chat channel when try to use the commands. Public chat channels and Private Messages (PM) does not work. All commands have a short alias, which they both have identical functionality that allows for less typing. Some of the commands have an UI counterpart implemented, which will display a menu of options and features corresponding to the commands' functionality.

๐Ÿ“š Libraries

Library Name File Name Library ID Library Description
Module Loader LibModuleLoader.galaxy LibMODL A unified Module Loader Lib that allows you to choose which module to load.
Utilities LibUtilities.galaxy LibUTIL A Library with multiple utilities tools such as "Toggle Fog Of War", "Toggle UI", etc.
Units LibUnits.galaxy LibUNIT A library with commands related to selected units, such as kill, spawn, etc.
Players LibPlayers.galaxy LibPLYR Commands that are related to Players, eg, scoreboard, respawn timer, etc
Builder Mode LibBuilderMode.galaxy libBULM A Builder Library that allows you to place objects anywhere in the map.
FPS Mode LibFPSMode.galaxy libFPSM A First Person Shooter like Library that allows you to see the map in first person camera.
Free Camera Mode LibFreeCameraMode.galaxy libFRCM Free Camera Mode allows you to change the angle of the camera easily.
Funny Stuff LibFunny.galaxy libFUNY Random useless stuff just for the lolz.

๐Ÿงพ Table of Contents

๐Ÿ“™ Module Loader Library (LibModuleLoader.galaxy):

A unified Module Loader Lib that allows you to choose which module to load.

This module is for loading other modules. DO NOT modify this file in SC2Editor.

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๐Ÿ“™ Utilities Library (LibUtilities.galaxy):

A Library with multiple utilities tools such as "Toggle Fog Of War", "Toggle UI", etc.

(addmarker | marker) <MarkerID>

โœ Description:

Add a marker at the position of the first selected unit.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Marker ID to be added (up to 20).

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> marker 1
	(Add marker 1 at the position of the first selected unit.)
> addmarker 10
	(Add marker 10 at the position of the first selected unit.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(addmarkercamera | markerc) <MarkerID>

โœ Description:

Add a marker at the center position of the camera.

Tip: Also use togglecrosshair command to set the location precisely.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Marker ID to be added (up to 20).

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> markerc 1
	(Add marker 1 at the center position of the camera.)
> addmarkercamera 10
	(Add marker 10 at the center position of the camera.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(alliancecontrolteamselection | acts)

โœ Description:

Toggle Alliance Control + Multi-Selection, a shortcut re-implementation to QA Cheat Menu's /ac and ts. This will enable/disable "Alliance Control" (control units from other players, including Enemy) and "Multi-Selection" (selecting multiple units like Vikings and Samuro).

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> acts
	(Toggle Alliance Control + Multi-Selection)
> alliancecontrolteamselection
	(Toggle Alliance Control + Multi-Selection)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(clear | cls) [seconds]

โœ Description:

Clear all text messages, including chat and debug messages with an optional delay.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		float
	Usage:		Defines the delay to clear text messages in seconds.
	Default:	0

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> cls
	(Clear all texts instantly)
> clear 5.4
	(Clear all texts after 5.4 seconds)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(clearmarker | clmarker)

โœ Description:

Clear all created markers.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> clmarker
	(Clear all created markers.)
> clearmarker
	(Clear all created markers.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(colormarker | colmarker) <MarkerID> <Red> <Green> <Blue>

โœ Description:

Change the color of the specific marker with RGB value. This also applies to future markers.

Note: The color of each marker will be generated randomly when the game started.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Marker ID to be added (up to 20).
	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Red color of the marker's RGB color. (0 - 255)
	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Green color of the marker's RGB color. (0 - 255)
	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Blue color of the marker's RGB color. (0 - 255)

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> colmarker 1 255 0 0
	(Change Marker 1 color to 255, 0, 0  (Red))
> colormarker 10 0 0 0
	(Change Marker 10 color to 0, 0, 0  (Black))
> colormarker 10 0 0 0
	(Change Marker 10 color to 0, 255, 255  (Cyan))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(endgame | eg)

โœ Description:

End the game instantly and kick all players from the game.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> eg
	(End the game instantly)
> endgame
	(End the game instantly)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(floatingcombattext | fct) <message> [state] [type]

โœ Description:

Show a custom floating combat text with different built-in templates.

The table is the available combinations of state and type. Columns are state (e.g Shield) and Rows are type (e.g NormalAmountGiven):

type \ state Ability Basic Heal Mana Shield XP Quest Reduced
LesserAmountReceived โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ โŒ
LesserAmountGiven โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โœ” โŒ
NormalAmountReceived โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ
NormalAmountGiven โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ
MediumAmountReceived โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ
MediumAmountGiven โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ โŒ
GreaterAmountReceived โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ
GreaterAmountGiven โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ โŒ
CritAmountReceived โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ
CritAmountGiven โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โœ” โŒ โŒ โŒ
AmountReadable โŒ โŒ โœ” โŒ โœ” โŒ โŒ โœ”
CritAmountReadable โŒ โœ” โŒ โŒ โœ” โŒ โŒ โŒ
SelfAmountReceived โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ โœ” โŒ โŒ
HealPrevented โœ” โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ
QuestProgress โŒ โœ” โŒ โŒ โŒ โŒ โœ” โŒ

Note: The capitalizations of type is required to be followed.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the message to be shown in Floating Combat Text
	Required:	false
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the state of the Floating Combat Text
	Default:	Basic
	Required:	false
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the type of the Floating Combat Text
	Default:	NormalAmountGiven

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> fct 100
	(Shows the FCT "100" with the style of basic attack (orange))
> fct 50 XP SelfAmountReceived
	(Shows the FCT "50" with the style of xp gathered (small purple text))
> floatingcombattext nice Quest QuestProgress
	(Shows the FCT "nice" with the style of quest progressing (gold circle with "!"))
> floatingcombattext 999 Shield CritAmountGiven
	(Shows the FCT "999" with the style of critical shield (white with explosion style))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(forceruntrigger | frt) <TriggerName>

โœ Description:

Force to Run a Trigger created by TriggerCreate() with ignoring conditions and wait until finish. This can be used to run a trigger that bypass the testConds, such as GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment).

You can get the trigger name from the TriggerCreate() function in various galaxy files.

For example, a debug chat trigger to start the Immortal objective in Battlefield of Eternity immediately:

// Trigger: MMBOE Debug - Start Immediately
bool libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
    // Automatic Variable Declarations
    // Conditions
    if (testConds) {
        if (!((GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment) == true))) {
            return false;

    // Actions
    if (!runActions) {
        return true;

    libMLBD_gv_mMBOEDebugUsed = true;
    TimerStart(libMLBD_gv_mMBOEEventWarningTimer, 0.5, false, c_timeGame);
    return true;

void libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately_Init () {
    libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately = TriggerCreate("libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately_Func");
    TriggerEnable(libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately, false);
    TriggerAddEventChatMessage(libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately, c_playerAny, "-bd", true);

The trigger name will be libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately_Func. By using this command (frt libMLBD_gt_MMBOEDebugStartImmediately_Func), you can bypass the GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment) restriction, which was required when using the -bd command.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the trigger to be run

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> frt libUIUI_gt_InputBackslashKeyDown_Func
	(Force to run the trigger "libUIUI_gt_InputBackslashKeyDown_Func", which will show up the debug menu.)
> forceruntrigger libSprt_gt_DEBUGHaveAITakeOverAI_Func
	(Force to run the trigger "libSprt_gt_DEBUGHaveAITakeOverAI_Func", which will have an AI take over your unit.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(getmarker | gmarker) <MarkerID>

โœ Description:

Get a Markers position in (X, Y, Z).

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Marker ID to be added (up to 20).

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> gmarker 1
	(Get the position of Marker 1 in (X, Y, Z).)
> getmarker 10
	(Get the position of Marker 10 in (X, Y, Z).)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(loadmap | lm) <MapPath>

โœ Description:

End the game and load a .stormmap file instantly. The MapPath is relative to:

There are currently 4 built-in .stormmaps from CASC in Heroes, which the MapPath is:

You can also put a .stormmap file into HEROES_INSTALL_LOCATION/maps/, e.g HEROES_INSTALL_LOCATION/maps/cool.stormmap, which the MapPath will be cool.stormmap

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the path to the stormmap

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> lm heroes/singleplayermaps/startingexperience/tutorial01.stormmap
	(Exit and Load the tutorial 1 map)
> loadmap heroes/singleplayermaps/startingexperience/tutorialveteran.stormmap
	(Exit and Load the veteran tutorial map.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(minionwaveinterval | mwi) [seconds]

โœ Description:

Get or Set the minion wave interval (Times to spawn a minion. Usually 30s but for 15s in ARAM.)

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		float
	Usage:		Defines interval for minion wave to spawn
	Default:	(The map's original interval, usually 30 but 15 for ARAMs)

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> mwi
	(Get the minion wave interval)
> minionwaveinterval
	(Get the minion wave interval)
> mwi 0.0625
	(Set the minion wave to spawn every 0.0625 seconds (each game loop))
> mwi 100
	(Set the minion wave to spawn every 100 seconds.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(playcutscene | pcs) <mode>

โœ Description:

Play a Cutscene file (*.StormCutscene) directly. Press Esc anytime to stop it.

The file path is relative to *.stormmod/base.stormdata. (e.g If Cutscene file is in mods/heroesdata.stormmod/base.stormdata/Cutscenes/EndOfMatch/EndOfMatch_LineUp_Tassadar.StormCutscene, the path will be Cutscenes/EndOfMatch/EndOfMatch_LineUp_Tassadar.StormCutscene)

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the path of the *.StormCutscene file.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> pcs Cutscenes/Tutorial_CursedHollow.StormCutscene
	(Plays the Tutorial Cutscene for Cursed Hollow)
> playcutscene Cutscenes/StoreMuradin.StormCutscene
	(Plays the Muradin Cutscene in the Collection Page (wait for 2 second to show Muradin))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(removemarker | rmmarker) <MarkerID>

โœ Description:

Removes a specific marker.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the Marker ID to be added (up to 20).

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rmmarker 1
	(Removed Marker 1)
> removemarker 10
	(Removed Marker 10)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(resetcameraobject | rco)

โœ Description:

Reset the game camera to BlizzardAllStars (default game camera)

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rco
	(Reset the game camera to BlizzardAllStars)
> resetcameraobject
	(Reset the game camera to BlizzardAllStars)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(resetgamespeed | rgs)

โœ Description:

Reset the game speed 2 (Normal).

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rgs
	(Reset the game speed 2 (Normal).)
> resetgamespeed
	(Reset the game speed 2 (Normal).)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(restartgame | re)

โœ Description:

Restart the map without needed to re-enter. This is extremely useful when you want to try the new modified XML files or galaxy scripts.

Note: It will NOT reload or add mods from Includes.xml automatically. You will need to manually re-enter for mods to be added.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> re
	(Restart the game instantly)
> restartgame
	(Restart the game instantly)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(setcameraobject | sco) <camera>

โœ Description:

Manually set the camera object. The parameter is the id of <CCamera id="xxx">.

WARNING: Set a non existing camera will actually crash the game.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the camera object.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> sco BlizzardAllStars
	(Set the camera object to BlizzardAllStars (default game camera))
> setcameraobject Dflt
	(Set the camera object to Dlft (default SC2 camera))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(setgamespeed | sgs) <speed>

โœ Description:

Set the game speed.

The game speed can only between 0 - 4:

value speed
0 Slower
1 Slow
2 Normal
3 Fast
4 Faster

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the game speed to be set (between 0 - 4).

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> sgs 0
	(Set the game speed to 0 (Slower))
> setgamespeed 3
	(Set the game speed to 3 (Fast))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(startgame | sg)

โœ Description:

Start the game instantly (timer start, gate open, etc).

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> sg
	(Start the game instantly)
> startgame
	(Start the game instantly)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(string | str) <mode> <value>

โœ Description:

Display a string with the value of TextExpressionAssemble or StringExternal This is pretty useful to quickly shows the string from the functions internally. mode must be either TextExpressionAssemble or StringExternal

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the mode of the string to be displayed.
	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the value of the string to be displayed

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> str TextExpressionAssemble Param/Expression/lib_Sprt_B1FD42AF
	(Shows the string "Set Mastery Ring..." from supportlib)
> string StringExternal Param/Value/lib_Sprt_F697F4C7
	(Shows the string "Game Speed should not exceed 8.0...." from supportlib)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(togglecdr | tcdr)

โœ Description:

Toggle Mass CDR. This will reset the cooldown on all abilities on every game loop (0.0625s) This is useful to bypass the limit of try mode's Toggle Cooldown, as it have a 1.5s cooldown between each reset.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tcdr
	(Toggle Mass CDR)
> togglecdr
	(Toggle Mass CDR)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(togglecrosshair | tch)

โœ Description:

Toggle to show a crosshair on the center of the camera. This allows for e.g more precise placement of summon units and adding effects.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tch
	(Toggle showing crosshair)
> togglecrosshair
	(Toggle showing crosshair)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(toggledebugmode | tdb)

โœ Description:

Toggle Debug Mode by modifying the libCore_gv_dEBUGDebuggingEnabled variable)

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tdb
	(Toggle Debug Mode)
> toggledebugmode
	(Toggle Debug Mode)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(togglefogofwar | tfow)

โœ Description:

Toggle Fog Of War. This can enable or disable full map vision.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tfow
	(Toggle Full Map Vision)
> togglefogofwar
	(Toggle Full Map Vision)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(togglerandommovement | trm) [radius]

โœ Description:

trm screenshot

Toggle random movement for selected units.

This command will create a circle on the center of your camera. The selected units will start moving randomly in the circle. This allows to practice various stuff such as skill-shots. Run this command to turn off this functionality.

Tip: To get the most out of this tool, use alliancecontrolteamselection to select desired units, then use summon units to let them move randomly.

Tip: Also use addbehavior command to add the Mounted (adb Mounted) behavior for faster movement (mount speed), and adb DisableWeaponsBehavior to disable their auto attacks,

Note: You can still command the units that are moving randomly, but after all the commands are finished (e.g stopped), it will start moving randomly again to the circle

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		float
	Usage:		The radius of the circle that units will be moved randomly
	Default:	7

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> trm 10
	(Toggle Random Movement with circle radius of 10.)
> togglerandommovement
	(Toggle Random Movement with circle radius of default 7.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(toggleterrainindicator | tti)

โœ Description:

Toggle Terrain Indicator (used by Diablo and Auriel, etc) for any units

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tti
	(Toggle Terrain Indicator)
> toggleterrainindicator
	(Toggle Terrain Indicator)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(toggleui | tui)

โœ Description:

Toggle User Interface. This can hide or show all the UIs including HP bar, talents panel, floating combat text, abilities bar etc.

Note: If the UI is off, all abilities will be disabled.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tui
	(Toggle In game UI)
> toggleui
	(Toggle In game UI)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(wingame | wg) <TeamID>

โœ Description:

Instantly declare a win for a team and end the game. Generally left team is Team 1 and right team is Team 2.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the team ID to win the game.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> wg 1
	(Win the game for Team 1)
> wingame 2
	(Win the game for Team 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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๐Ÿ“™ Units Library (LibUnits.galaxy):

A library with commands related to selected units, such as kill, spawn, etc.

(addbehavior | adb) <BehaviorId>

โœ Description:

Add a behavior to selected unit(s). Which are generally from <CBehavior*>, such as <CBehaviorBuff id="xxx"> or <CBehaviorAbility id="xxx">.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the behavior id to be added to selected units

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> addbehavior MedivhArcaneBrillianceItem
	(Add Medivh's Arcane Brilliance Ability to selected units)
> adb PermaInvulnerable
	(Make all selected units permanent Invulnerable)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(addeffect | ade) <EffectId> [amount]

โœ Description:

Add an Effect to selected unit(s). Which are generally from <CEffect*>, such as <CEffectSet id="xxxx"> or <CEffectCreatePersistent id="xxx">.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the effect id to be added to selected unit(s).
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the amount of effects to be added to the units
	Default:	1

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> addeffect StormSuicide
	(Make all selected units "suicide" a.k.a kill the unit)
> ade MedivhPolyBombPersistent
	(Make all selected units affect by Medivh's Polybomb)
> ade GreymaneCursedBulletDamagePercentDamage 5
	(Make all selected units hit by Greymane's Cursed Bullet (damage) 5 times in a row.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(addeffectcamera | adec) <EffectId> [amount] [PlayerID]

โœ Description:

Add an Effect to the center of the camera. Which are generally from <CEffect*>, such as <CEffectSet id="xxxx"> or <CEffectCreatePersistent id="xxx">.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the effect id to be added to the center of the camera.
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Defines the amount of effects to be added to the center of the camera.
	Default:	1
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the effect owner
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> addeffectcamera DropUnderworldPowerupPersistent
	(Add some Haunted Mines Skulls to camera location)
> adec UnderworldBossRootsCreatePersistent
	(Add Haunted Mines's boss root animation to camera location)
> addeffectcamera NecromancerRaiseSkeletonCreationPersistent 10
	(Spawn 10 Xul's skeleton to camera location)
> adec NecromancerRaiseSkeletonCreationPersistent 10 6
	(Spawn 10 Xul's skeleton to camera location with the effect owner of Player 6)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(addweapon | adw) <WeaponID>

โœ Description:

Add a weapon (Basic Attack) to selected unit(s). Usually found in <CWeapon* id='xxx'>

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The ID of the weapon

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> adw AlexstraszaDragonConeWeapon
	(Add Alexstrasza's Dragon Form weapon to selected unit(s))
> addweapon FirebatHeroWeapon
	(Add Blaze's weapon to selected unit(s))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(changeunitownership | cuo) <PlayerId>

โœ Description:

Changes ownership of the selected unit(s).

Note: 0 is neutral, which cannot be selected once ownership have changed.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The new owner of the selected unit(s).

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> changeunitownership 1
	(Change all selected units's ownership to Player 1)
> cuo
	(Change all selected units's ownership to Player 6)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(clearbehavior | clb)

โœ Description:

Clear all active behaviors for selected units.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> clb
	(Clear all active behaviors for selected units)
> clearbehavior
	(Clear all active behaviors for selected units)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(clearunits | clu) [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Clear all summoned unit(s) (summoned by the summon command) for a Player. This is useful for remove large numbers of summoned units, or when summoned untargetable/unselectable units that are not able to use the killunits command.

Note: Due to the memory limitation, only the last 500 summoned units will be able to remove with this command. Older units will not be affected, if you would like to remove ALL summoned units, either respec your hero, or restart the game.

Self note: For each MaxPlayer[16][100], is equivalent to around 30 EventChatMessage triggers. So more memory assigned to this, the less trigger can be used.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Define to clear which player's summoned unit(s).
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> clu
	(Clear summoned unit(s) from player who used the command)
> clearunits 6
	(Clear summoned unit(s) from Player 6)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(clearweapon | clw)

โœ Description:

Remove all weapons (Basic Attack) from selected unit(s). Usually found in <CWeapon* id='xxx'>

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> clw
	(Remove all weapons from selected units)
> clearweapon
	(Remove all weapons from selected units)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(getbehavior | getb)

โœ Description:

List all active behaviors for selected units.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> getb
	(List all active behaviors for selected units)
> getbehavior
	(List all active behaviors for selected units)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(getselectedunits | gsu) [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Get all selected units from a specific player

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Define which player to get all the units.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> gsu
	(Get all selected units from whoever uses this command)
> getselectedunits 6
	(Get all selected units from Player 6)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(getunitownership | guo)

โœ Description:

Gets the Ownership (Player ID) of selected unit(s).

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> guo
	(Gets the Ownership (Player ID) of selected unit(s).)
> getunitownership
	(Gets the Ownership (Player ID) of selected unit(s).)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(getunits | gu) [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Get all units owned by a specific players

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Define which player to get all the units.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> gu
	(Get all units own by whoever uses this command.)
> getunits 7
	(Get all units owned by Player 7)
> getunits 15
	(Get all units owned by Player 15 (Player 15 usually are neutral mercenary camps.))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(getweapon | getw)

โœ Description:

Get all weapons (Basic Attack) from selected unit(s). Usually found in <CWeapon* id='xxx'>

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> getw
	(Get all weapons from selected units)
> getweapon
	(Get all weapons from selected units)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(killallunits | kau) [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Kill all units owned by a specific players. Unlike other commands with player ID param, this commands allow to specify Player 0 (Neutual).

Note that in most maps, the Core are owned by Player 11 and 12, where 11 is left team and 12 is right team, killing it will instantly kill the core thus ending the game.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Define which player to get all the units.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> kau
	(Kill all units own by whoever uses this command.)
> killallunits 7
	(Kill all units owned by Player 7)
> killallunits 15
	(Kill all units owned by Player 15 (Player 15 usually are neutral mercenary camps.))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(killunits | ku)

โœ Description:

Instantly kill all selected unit(s).

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> ku
	(Instantly kill all selected unit(s).)
> killunits
	(Instantly kill all selected unit(s).)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(playanimation | pa) <AnimationId>

โœ Description:

Play an Animation for selected unit(s).

Note: There are Walk, Attack, A to Z animations etc

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the Animation ID to be played on selected unit(s)

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> playanimation Attack
	(Play the Attack Animation for selected unit(s))
> pa Walk
	(Play the Walk animation for selected unit(s))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(removeanimation | rma) <AnimationId>

โœ Description:

Remove an Animation from selected unit(s).

Note: There are Walk, Attack, A to Z animations etc

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the Animation ID to be removed from selected unit(s)

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> removeanimation Attack
	(Stop the Attack Animation for selected unit(s))
> rma Walk
	(Stop the Walk animation for selected unit(s))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(removebehavior | rmb) <BehaviorId>

โœ Description:

Remove a behavior from selected unit(s). Which are generally from <CBehavior*>, such as <CBehaviorBuff id="xxx"> or <CBehaviorAbility id="xxx">.

Tips: You can get active behaviors with the getbehavior command above.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the behavior id to be removed from selected units

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> removebehavior MedivhArcaneBrillianceItem
	(Remove Medivh's Arcane Brilliance Ability from selected units)
> rmb PermaInvulnerable
	(No longer makes all selected units permanent Invulnerable)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(removeeffect | rme) <EffectId>

โœ Description:

Remove an Effect from selected unit(s). Which are generally from <CEffect*>, such as <CEffectSet id="xxxx"> or <CEffectCreatePersistent id="xxx">.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the effect id to be removed from selected unit(s).

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> removeeffect MedivhPolyBombPersistent
	(No longer make selected unit(s) affect by Medivh's Polybomb)
> rme MedivhPolyBombPersistent
	(No longer make selected unit(s) affect by Medivh's Polybomb)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(removeeffectcamera | rmec) <EffectId>

โœ Description:

Remove an Effect from the center of the camera. Which are generally from <CEffect*>, such as <CEffectSet id="xxxx"> or <CEffectCreatePersistent id="xxx">.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the effect id to be removed from the center of the camera.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> removeeffectcamera DropUnderworldPowerupPersistent
	(Remove Haunted Mines Skulls from camera location)
> rmec UnderworldBossRootsCreatePersistent
	(Remove Haunted Mines's boss root animation from camera location)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(removeweapon | rmw) <WeaponID>

โœ Description:

Remove a weapon (Basic Attack) from selected unit(s). Usually found in <CWeapon* id='xxx'>

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The ID of the weapon

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rmw AnaHeroWeapon
	(Remove Ana's weapon from selected unit(s))
> removeweapon DVaMechWeapon
	(Remove mech mode's weapon from selected unit(s))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(replaceunit | rpu) <TargetUnitId>

โœ Description:

Replace all selected units to the Target Unit.

Note: Don't recommend using this command, as weird stuff will happen if you replaced to an non-existing unit or unit getting killed. If it happens, use the debug menu to respawn your hero for resetting.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Define the selected units to be replaced with. You can get the id from <CUnit id="xxx"> in the game XML files.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rpu HeroRaynor
	(Replace all selected unit(s) to Raynor Hero.)
> replaceunit CatapultMinion
	(Replace all selected unit(s) to Catapult Minion.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(sendactormessage | sam) <ActorMessage>

โœ Description:

Send an Actor Message for selected unit(s). Generally from <CActor*>, the <on send="xxx">.

Note: The command allows spaces for the parameter, since most actor messages have spaces.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Defines the Actor Message to be sent. (This parameter allows spaces.)

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> sendactormessage AnimPlay Spell Spell,A 0 -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 AsTimeScale
	(Play the A Spell animation, different on each hero)
> sam StatusIncrement StatusBarHide
	(Hide the status bar, HP bar)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(summon | sum) <UnitId> [Amount] [PlayerId] [Scale]

โœ Description:

Spawn unit(s) at the centre of your camera location.

Note: A new summoned unit will automatically added to select group. Note: To control the summoned units, you will need to enable multi-selection from either the alliancecontrolteamselection command or QA Cheat Menu (ts, also use /ac if the unit does not belong to you), which will behave like Vikings and Samuro with Illusion Master. Note: If your hero is Samuro, it will have some weird behavior for multi selection due to Blizzard's implementation of Samuro.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Define the unit to be spawned. You can get the id from <CUnit id="xxx"> in the game XML files.
	Required:	false
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Define the amount of unit(s) to be spawned
	Default:	1
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		Define which player to own the unit that spawned.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.
	Required:	false
	Type:		float
	Usage:		Define scale of the unit(s) to be spawned. default size is 1.0
	Default:	1

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> summon TownTownHallL2
	(Summon a tower structure to the player who used the command)
> summon HeroRaynor 3
	(Summon 3 Raynor Hero units for the player who used the command)
> summon HeroMalGanis 2 4
	(Summon 2 Mal'Ganis Hero units for player 4)
> sum JungleGraveGolemDefender 2 1 0.5
	(Summon 2 boss golems for player 1 with the unit scale to 0.5 (half the size))
> sum CatapultMinion 10 5 2
	(Summon 10 Catapult Minions for player 5 with the unit scale to 2 (double the size))

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(togglenoweaponcd | tnwcd)

โœ Description:

Constantly resetting the weapons (auto attack) cooldown, effectively increasing weapon speed.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tnwcd
	(Constantly resetting the weapons (auto attack) cooldown)
> togglenoweaponcd
	(Constantly resetting the weapons (auto attack) cooldown)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(toggleoutputid | toi)

โœ Description:

Toggle displaying units' id mode. Which will shows the unit's id on the screen with a left click.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> toi
	(Toggle displaying units' id mode.)
> toggleoutputid
	(Toggle displaying units' id mode.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(unitproperty | up) <type> [value]

โœ Description:

Allow to show / modify a selected units' property, such as max health, regen, movement speed etc. If the type parameter is not supplied, it will return the value of the property. If the type parameter was set, it will modify the selected unit's property.

The type parameters accept either the Type (int) or Type (string) below.

Type (int) Type (string) Galaxy file constant
0 life c_unitLife
1 lifepercent c_unitPropLifePercent
2 lifemax c_unitPropLifeMax
3 liferegen c_unitPropLifeRegen
4 energy c_unitPropEnergy
5 energypercent c_unitPropEnergyPercent
6 energymax c_unitPropEnergyMax
7 energyregen c_unitPropEnergyRegen
8 shields c_unitPropShields
9 shieldspercent c_unitPropShieldsPercent
10 shieldsmax c_unitPropShieldsMax
11 shieldsregen c_unitPropShieldsRegen
12 kills c_unitPropKills
17 height c_unitPropHeight
18 movementspeed c_unitPropMovementSpeed
20 resources c_unitPropResources
21 radius c_unitPropRadius
22 xp c_unitPropXP
23 level c_unitPropLevel
24 killxp c_unitPropKillXP
28 basemovementspeed c_unitPropBaseMovementSpeed
29 movementspeedcurrent c_unitPropMovementSpeedCurrent
30 lifeexpectedpercent c_unitPropLifeExpectedPercent

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer/string
	Usage:		Set the type of the property to be get / modified. Please refer to the table above.
	Required:	false
	Type:		float
	Usage:		The value to be set for the property type
	Default:	null

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> up life
	(Shows the unit's current HP)
> up 0 1
	(Set the selected units's Current HP to 1; MAX SPEEDZ TAZZZZDINGO)
> unitproperty 6
	(Show the selected unit's Max Energy, usually refers as resource bar, such as mana, Tracer bullet, Chen's brew etc.)
> unitproperty energymax 10000
	(Set the selected unit's Max Energy for 10000, usually refers as resource bar, such as mana, Tracer bullet, Chen's brew etc.)
> unitproperty 28
	(Shows the base movement speed of selected units.)
> unitproperty basemovementspeed 10
	(Set the base movement speed of selected units to 10. Note that base speed for heroes is 4.8398)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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๐Ÿ“™ Players Library (LibPlayers.galaxy):

Commands that are related to Players, eg, scoreboard, respawn timer, etc

(addalltalent | aat) <HeroId> [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Add all talents to a player. The HeroId can be either the ID of <CHero id="xxx">, which will add all of the talents from that hero to the player, or it can be ALL, which will add ALL the talents in the game to the player.

Note: Some of the talents won't work, so you might want to experiment a bit.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The talents from the Hero / all the talents in the game to be added from a player
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The target player id to have the talent being added.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> aat Tyrande
	(Add all the talents from Tyrande to the player whoever uses the command)
> addalltalent Firebat 2
	(Add all the talents from Blaze to Player 2)
> aat ALL
	(Add ALL the talents from the game to the player whoever uses the command)
> addalltalent ALL 10
	(Add ALL the talents from the game to the player 10)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(addqueststack | aqs) <stacks> [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Add a specific amount of quest stacks to a player.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The amount of stack to be added for a player
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the quest stacks to be added
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> aqs 10
	(Add 10 quest stacks to whoever uses this command)
> addqueststack 20 6
	(Add 10 quest stack to Player 6.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(addtalent | adt) <TalentId> [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Add a talent to a player, generally found in <CTalent id="xxxx">.

Note: Some of the talents won't work, so you might want to experiment a bit.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The talent id to be added
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The target player id to have the talent being added.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> addtalent MedivhForceOfWillArcaneExplosion
	(Add Medivh's Arcane Explosion Talent to whoever uses this command)
> adt MalfurionCelestialAlignment 2
	(add Malfurion's Celestial Alignment Talent to Player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

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(difficultyai | diffai) [PlayerID] [DifficultyID]

โœ Description:

Get/Set the AI Difficulty for a Player.

The difficulty settings are below:

DifficultyId Friendly Name (GameString.txt) Galaxy Constant (AILib_h.galaxy)
0 Unknown libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_Null
1 Tuto1Enemy libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAITutorial1Enemy
2 Tuto1Ally libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAITutorial1Ally
3 TutoMMEnemy libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAITutorialMapMechanicEnemy
4 TutoMMAlly libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAITutorialMapMechanicAlly
5 Beginner libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAITryMeMode
6 Unknown libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAITryMeModeAlly
7 Beginner libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAIVeryEasy
8 Beginner libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAIVeryEasyWithHumanAlly
9 Recruit libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAIEasy
10 Recruit libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAIEasyWithHumanAlly
11 Adept libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAIMedium
12 Veteran libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAIVeryHard
13 Elite libAIAI_ge_HeroAIDifficulty_HeroAIElite

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the AI to be enable/disabled
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The difficulty to be set
	Default:	null

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> diffai
	(Get the AI difficulty for whoever uses this command)
> diffai 2 11
	(Set the AI difficulty for Player 2 to HeroAIMedium)
> difficultyai 6
	(Get the AI difficulty for Player 6)
> difficultyai 7 9
	(Set the AI difficulty for Player 7 to HeroAIEasy)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(disableai | disai) [PlayerID]

โœ Description:

Disable AI for a Player.

Note: This will also disable AI for units summoned via [summon units](#cmd-summon) command.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the AI to be disabled
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> disai
	(Disable AI for whoever use this command)
> disai 10
	(Disable AI for Player 10)
> disableai 2
	(Disable AI for Player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(disabletalent | dist) <TalentId>

โœ Description:

Disable a for all players. Generally found in <CTalent id="xxxx">.

Note: This only lock the selection of the talent. If the player already took the talent, it will not have any effect on the player.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The talent id to be disabled.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> disabletalent RagnarosLavaWave
	(Disable Rag's Lava Wave talent, similar to ARAM.)
> dist MaievUmbralBindPursuitOfVengeance 0
	(Disable Maiev's Pursuit Of Vengeance talent)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(enableai | enai) [PlayerID]

โœ Description:

Enable AI for a Player.

Note: This will also enable AI for units summoned via [summon units](#cmd-summon) command.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the AI to be enabled
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> enai
	(Enable AI for whoever use this command)
> enai 10
	(Enable AI for Player 10)
> enableai 2
	(Enable AI for Player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(enabletalent | ent) <TalentId>

โœ Description:

Enable a disabled talent for all players. Generally found in <CTalent id="xxxx">.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The talent id to be enabled.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> enabletalent RagnarosLavaWave
	(Enable Rag's Lava Wave talent, which was disabled in ARAM.)
> ent MaievUmbralBindPursuitOfVengeance
	(Enable Maiev's Pursuit Of Vengeance talent)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

[Return to Table of Contents ๐Ÿงพ]

[Return to Top โฌ†]

(experience | xp) <Amount> [PlayerId] [SourceId]

โœ Description:

Gives Experience to a Specific Player.

The SourceId can be represent as an Integer with the source value of:

SourceId Galaxy file constant
0 libGame_ge_XPSources_Debug
1 libGame_ge_XPSources_Trickle
2 libGame_ge_XPSources_Minion
3 libGame_ge_XPSources_Creep
4 libGame_ge_XPSources_Hero
5 libGame_ge_XPSources_Structure
6 libGame_ge_XPSources_RegenGlobe

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The amount of xp to be given
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the XP to be given to
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The integer value of the xp source
	Default:	0

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> xp 10
	(Grant 10 xp to whoever use this command)
> experience 100 6
	(Grant 100 xp to Player 6)
> experience 100 1 2
	(Grant 100 xp to Player 1 with its source set to minions)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(getcatalog | gcl) <CatalogReference> [PlayerID]

โœ Description:

Directly get a Catalog value (a.k.a XMLs) from a player.

The CatalogReference string consist of three parts: <Category Type>,<Category Entry>,<Catalog Field Path> separated by comma, whereas:

Therefore, consider the following XML (extracted from wizarddata.xml, Li ming's data file):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
  <!-- Data trimmed -->
  <CWeaponLegacy id="HeroWizardWeapon" parent="StormHeroFastWeapon">
    <Icon value="Assets\Textures\" />
    <DisplayEffect value="WizardHeroWeaponDamage" />
    <MinScanRange value="5.5" />
    <Range value="5.5" />
    <Period value="1" />
    <PreswingBeforeAttack value="0.25" />
    <PreswingBetweenAttacks value="0.25" />
    <Effect value="WizardWeaponLaunchSwitch" />

In order to get the reference to her Basic attack range, the CatalogReference string will be Weapon,HeroWizardWeapon,Range

Another Example: (Extracted from firebat.xml, Blaze's Data file)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
  <!-- Data trimmed -->
  <CAbilEffectTarget id="FirebatJetPropulsion" parent="StormSkillshotDashParent">
    <Effect value="FirebatJetPropulsionOffsetPersistent" />
      <Vital index="Energy" value="45" />
      <Cooldown TimeUse="10" />
    <MoveLocation ProjectionDistanceScale="14" />
    <CursorEffect value="FirebatJetPropulsionSquareSearchArea" />
    <CmdButtonArray index="Execute" DefaultButtonFace="FirebatJetPropulsion">
      <Flags index="AllowSelfCast" value="0" />
    <Activity value="Jet Propulsion" />
    <CastIntroTime value="0.375" />
    <ShowProgressArray index="Cast" value="1" />

In order to get his Jet Propulsion (E) Cooldown Reference, the CatalogReference will be Abil,FirebatJetPropulsion,Cost.Cooldown.TimeUse

Another Example: (Extracted from stukovdata.xml, Stukov's Data file: Stukov's Talent Biotic Armor, gains 15 Armor to ally affect by healing pathogen)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
  <!-- Data trimmed -->
  <CBehaviorBuff id="StukovHealingPathogenBioticArmorPhysicalArmorBehavior" parent="StormArmor">
    <BehaviorCategories index="BuffResistant" value="1" />
    <RemoveValidatorArray value="StukovTargetHasHealingPathogen" />
      <ArmorSet index="Hero">
        <ArmorMitigationTable index="Basic" value="15" />
      <ArmorSet index="Merc">
        <ArmorMitigationTable index="Basic" value="15" />
      <ArmorSet index="Monster">
        <ArmorMitigationTable index="Basic" value="15" />
      <ArmorSet index="Summon">
        <ArmorMitigationTable index="Basic" value="15" />
      <ArmorSet index="Structure">
        <ArmorMitigationTable index="Basic" value="15" />
      <ArmorSet index="Minion">
        <ArmorMitigationTable index="Basic" value="15" />

In order to reference the armor value against Structure, the CatalogReference will be Behavior,StukovHealingPathogenBioticArmorPhysicalArmorBehavior,ArmorModification.ArmorSet[Structure].ArmorMitigationTable[Basic].

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The Reference to the specific catalog field
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the catalog modification
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> getcatalog Effect,WizardTeleportCalamityDamage,Amount
	(Get Li-Ming's Calamity damage from whoever uses this command)
> gcl Abil,VarianCharge,Cost.Vital[Energy]
	(Get Varian's Charge mana cost from whoever uses this command)
> gcl Behavior,Mounted,Modification.UnifiedMoveSpeedFactor 2
	(Get the mount speed for all Heroes from Player 2)
> gcl Weapon,StukovHeroWeapon,Period
	(Getl Stukov's Basic Attack speed from whoever uses this command)
> gcl Weapon,ChromieHeroWeapon,Effect
	(Get Chromie's Basic Attack Effect from whoever uses this command)
> gcl Behavior,DehakaDarkSwarm,Modification.StateFlags[SuppressCollision] 2
	(Get Dehaka's Dark Swarm Ability Suppress Collision flag value when active from Player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(modifycatalog | mcl) <CatalogReference> <value> [PlayerID]

โœ Description:

Directly modify a Catalog value (a.k.a XMLs) for a player in runtime.

For how to obtain and construct CatalogReference, Please refer to the getcatalog command.


โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The Reference to the catalog field to be modified
	Required:	true
	Type:		float
	Usage:		The value to be set for the specified catalog field
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the catalog modification
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> modifycatalog Effect,WizardTeleportCalamityDamage,Amount 9999
	(Modify Li=Ming's Calamity damage to 9999 for the whoever uses this command)
> mcl Abil,VarianCharge,Cost.Vital[Energy] 5
	(Modify Varian's Charge mana cost to 5 for whoever uses this command)
> mcl Behavior,Mounted,Modification.UnifiedMoveSpeedFactor -0.3 2
	(Modify the mount speed for all Heroes to -30% (30% slower instead of faster) for Player 2)
> mcl Weapon,StukovHeroWeapon,Period 0.0625
	(Modify Stukov's Basic Attack speed to 16 (1 second performs 16 attacks = 0.0625 period per AA) for whoever uses this command)
> mcl Weapon,ChromieHeroWeapon,Effect WizardWeaponLaunchSwitch
	(Modify Chromie's Basic Attack to behave like Li-ming's Basic Attack (Shooting a Purple Missile) for whoever uses this command)
> mcl Behavior,DehakaDarkSwarm,Modification.StateFlags[SuppressCollision] 0 2
	(Modify Dehaka's Dark Swarm Ability to no longer Suppress Collision When active (No longer pass though units) for Player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(removealltalent | rmat) <HeroId> [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Remove all talents from a player. The HeroId can be either the ID of <CHero id="xxx">, which will remove all of the talents from that hero from the player, or it can be ALL, which will remove ALL the talents in the game from the player.

Note: Some of the talents won't work, so you might want to experiment a bit.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The talents from the Hero / all the talents in the game to be removed from a player
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The target player id to have the talent being added.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rmat Tyrande
	(Remove all the talents from Tyrande from the player whoever uses the command)
> removealltalent Firebat 2
	(Remove all the talents from Blaze from Player 2)
> rmat ALL
	(Remove ALL the talents from the game from the player whoever uses the command)
> removealltalent ALL 10
	(Remove ALL the talents from the game from the player 10)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(removequeststack | rqs) <stacks> [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Remove a specific amount of quest stacks from a player.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The amount of stack to be removed from a player
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the quest stacks to be removed
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rqs 10
	(Remove 10 quest stacks to whoever uses this command)
> removequeststack 20 6
	(Remove 10 quest stack to Player 6.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(removetalent | rmt) <TalentId> [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Remove a talent from a player, generally found in <CTalent id="xxxx">.

Note: Some of the talents won't work, so you might want to experiment a bit.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The talent id to be removed
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The target player id to have the talent being removed.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> removetalent MedivhForceOfWillArcaneExplosion
	(Removed Medivh's Arcane Explosion Talent from whoever uses this command)
> rmt MalfurionCelestialAlignment 2
	(Removed Malfurion's Celestial Alignment Talent from Player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(resetoverlay | rol)

โœ Description:

Remove all the overlays with the default one.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> rol
	(Remove all the overlays with the default one.)
> resetoverlay
	(Remove all the overlays with the default one.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(respawnpoint | rsp) <Action> [PlayerId/all]

โœ Description:

Modify the respawn point for a player. Either at the current camera location or its default location.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		Choose the action of the command. (set = set the respawn location at camera location, reset = reset all respawn location)
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer/string
	Usage:		Set the player id for the spawn modification to take effect, use "all" for all players.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> respawnpoint set all
	(set the respawn point for all players at the current camera location)
> rsp set
	(set the respawn point to player who uses the command at the current camera location)
> respawnpoint set 6
	(set the respawn point for player 6 at camera location)
> rsp reset 2
	(reset player 2's respawn point to default location)
> rsp reset all
	(reset all player's respawn point to its default respawn location (hall of storms).)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(respawntime | rst) <seconds>

โœ Description:

Override the current respawn timer for all players.

Notice: Due to the system limitation, if you set to 0, it will change it to 0.0625 automatically (1 game tick).

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		float
	Usage:		The respawn time to be set for all players

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> respawntime 99
	(set the respawn timer to 99 seconds)
> rst 0
	(set the respawn timer to 0.0625 second)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(setmasteryring | smr) <MasteryRingLevel>

โœ Description:

Set the Mastery Ring level. The ring below the hero will be automatically updated.

Note: If the new Level is lower than the current one, you may need to respawn(e.g suicide) the selected units.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The level of the mastery ring to be set.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> setmasteryring 0
	(Remove the mastery ring from the player)
> smr 3
	(Set the mastery ring to Level 3.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(setoverlay | sol) <OverlayPath>

โœ Description:

Set the in-game overlay (e.g golden overlay for Uther's Divine Shield).

Note: The path is relative to *.storm*/base.gamedata/, usually with the extension of *.stormcutscene.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The path of the overlay file, relative to base.stormdata.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> sol Cutscenes/GameUI_InvulnerableOverlay.StormCutscene
	(Set the overlay to "Invulnerable", e.g Divine Shield / Sanctification.)
> setoverlay cutscenes\gameui_gorgeoverlay.stormcutscene
	(Set the overlay to Stitches Gorge.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(setscore | score) <Field> <Value> [PlayerId]

โœ Description:

Set the score for the scoreboard (some of them will shows in tab screen). This is good to use when some talents interact with scoreboard such as Zagara's Infest.

Note: Though Infest internal function limits to 524%, max of fixed value, but details are out of scope here. You can obtain these FIELDs from ScoreValueData.xml in heroesdata.stormmod Note: Some fields uses Integer and some uses Fixed. However because this function is unified using PlayerScoreValueSetFromInt(), all decimals will be removed. As such, the max value for fixed is 524287 and 2147483647 for Integer. This limitation might change later.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	true
	Type:		string
	Usage:		The field to be modified in the scoreboard.
	Required:	true
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The value to be set for the field in the scoreboard.
	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The player id for the modification to be applied.
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> setscore HeroDamage 0
	(Set the field "Hero Damage" to 0 for the player who use this command.)
> score SoloKill 524287
	(Set the field "Kills" to 5242873 for the player who use this command)
> score Healing 1000 2
	(Set the field "Healing" to 1000 for the player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(toggleai | togai) [PlayerID]

โœ Description:

Toggle to enable/disable AI for a Player.

Note: This will also enable/disable AI for units summoned via [summon units](#cmd-summon) command.

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The Player ID for the AI to be enabled/disabled
	Default:	The player id of whoever used this command.

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> togai
	(Toggle AI for whoever use this command)
> togai 10
	(Toggle AI for Player 10)
> toggleai 2
	(Toggle AI for Player 2)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(togglemassquest | tmq) [stacks]

โœ Description:

Toggle mass quest completion mode to give stack every game tick (0.0625s) for whoever uses this command.

Note: This is useful on heroes with actual infinite stacking such as Zuljin or Nazeebo. However due to Integer / Floating Point overflow, after reached certain amount for the quest, the actual functionality will be overflowed, such as Nazeebo HP reduced to 1 if having max stacks with lv4 extra HP per stack

โš™ Parameters:

	Required:	false
	Type:		integer
	Usage:		The amount of stack to be added every game tick (0.0626s)
	Default:	1

๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tmq 10
	(Enable mass quest completion mode and give 10 stacks every game tick if not enabled)
> togglemassquest
	(Disable mass quest completion mode if enabled)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(togglepausegametalent | tpgt)

โœ Description:

Toggle whether to pause the game when viewing talents, similar to heroes tutorial.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> tpgt
	(Toggle whether to pause the game when viewing talents)
> togglepausegametalent
	(Toggle whether to pause the game when viewing talents)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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(toggletalenttree | ttt)

โœ Description:

Toggle the display of the talents selection tree.

โš™ Parameters:


๐Ÿ”ง Examples:

> ttt
	(Toggle the display of the talents selection tree.)
> toggletalenttree
	(Toggle the display of the talents selection tree.)

๐Ÿ–ผ UI Availability:

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๐Ÿ“™ Builder Mode Library (LibBuilderMode.galaxy):

A Builder Library that allows you to place objects anywhere in the map.

This system is still in a early development. Builder mode allows you to place objects to anywhere in the map. The units will constantly teleport to your cursor (follow your cursor). Remember to select /ac and ts in QA menu (this will added automatically in future development). To use builder mode, select a unit, or units and press backspace. Builder mode will then be activated and you can place the units where you like. To place the unit(s), press backspace again to deactivate builder mode.

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๐Ÿ“™ FPS Mode Library (LibFPSMode.galaxy):

A First Person Shooter like Library that allows you to see the map in first person camera.

This system is still in a early development. FPS Mode allows you to look at the map by using a first person camera on your unit. The camera will constantly look forward and turn as well as long as the mode is activated. To toggle FPS mode, simply use the fps chat command.


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๐Ÿ“™ Free Camera Mode Library (LibFreeCameraMode.galaxy):

Free Camera Mode allows you to change the angle of the camera easily.

This system is still in a early development. Free Camera Mode allows you to use Middle Mouse Wheel to freely change your camera angel and direction. To enable or disable, simply use the chat command tfc or togglefreecamera!

Note: Camera pan (move the camera by pushing mouse to the edge) will be disabled when free camera mode is active

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๐Ÿ“™ Funny Stuff Library (LibFunny.galaxy):

Random useless stuff just for the lolz.


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